There are 2 ways you can help us keep broadcasting:
#1 let us know if you’ve been blessed
#2 Consider GIVING S0 we can continue to spread the message of Jesus around the world.
Special Message From Pastor Walker
Alamo City Online Family,
We are just in awe, and continue to be blown away - at how the Lord is USING VIDEO, just images and sounds on a screen, to somehow bring His Spirit, His hope and His love to the hearts of people in POWER every minute of every day!
Over the last two years- we’ve reached over 12 MILLION PEOPLE with our broadcast ministry- which is incredible, but more importantly,
we’ve watched the Lord build a FAMILY from all over the world that gathers
under the banner of the name JESUS.
A family who worships together- not all at the same time, and certainly not all in the same room- but the praises go up and hearts are turned toward Jesus every time someone is able to watch a message, worship with us, and suddenly- we are not alone. Jesus is there- and there’s a body of Believers who we feel at home with, no matter where we live. What an incredible community He is building, one video at a time!
Every single week we broadcast out our services from our home base of Alamo City Church in San Antonio, Texas. We invest about $5000 a week to bring you the highest quality sound, video, and broadcasting that’s available. We have an incredible team of professionals who love Jesus who help us get the messages and worship out every single week. We hear from people every single week who watch, who call Alamo City their online church home, who have been deeply blessed.
We pray every single week that the messages, the worship songs, the Scripture presented in each broadcast would meet every heart that the Lord knows needs to hear it. That He would supernaturally use a simple video to somehow, bring His healing, His hope, His Kingdom to hurting hearts.
If you’ve been blessed in any way- we’d love to hear from you. We’re praying for you! Read on to learn more about how you can help us ensure we keep broadcasting for the 2024 year. Bless you! We love you!
Pastor David Walker
Gratefully, due to the global access of things like social media,
through a connection to the internet, and more
livestreaming is one of the most cost
effective ways to reach people.
However, to do it well-
it’s definitely not free.
Partner with us
In the last 2 years, we’ve been able to reach 12 MILLION PEOPLE with the message of JESUS, and if you’d like to PARTNER WITH US FINANCIALLY FOR THIS NEXT YEAR to ensure we can keep broadcasting both TO YOU as well as to give others the opportunity to be blessed just as you have been, here are just a few examples of how you can give…
A $25 sponsorship helps us reach 2500 viewers, $50 helps us reach 5000 viewers, and $100 helps us reach 10,000 viewers!
Sponsor a full week of broadcasting for $5000- 2 full Sunday services with worship, the message, and ministry time, Bible Study on Wednesday night, message clips, and the 2 Minutes of Hope series from Pastor Walker.
You’ll find there is no minimum or maximum for donations- and we know HE will provide all we need!
Gratefully, all donations are tax deductible.
If you’d like to talk to someone about your donation you can email us anytime at
You can donate online securely below- be sure to select the “BROADCAST MINISTRY FUND”.
Mail In Donations
Please make checks out to Alamo City Church,
with "Broadcast Ministry" written In the Memo line & mail to